Фассахова Гузель Рафкатьевна
1.Interactive method «Everyone teaches everyone» in developing listening skills at Russian language lessons for foreigners//Web of Science, EDULEARN17, Barcelona (Spain) on the 3rd-5th of July, 2017.
2. Folklore In Teaching Languages // Web of Science, ICERI2016, Seville (Spain) on the 14th- 16th of November, 2016.
3.The Management of Independent Educational-Cognitive Activities of Future Specialists in the Process of Vocational Training .//International Review of Management and Marketing /Vol 6 - 2016.
4.Pedagogical Potential of the Career Guidance Course “Professional Career Planning” to Form Pupils and Students’ Self-determination in the Integrated System “School – Vocational College”//Review of European Studies; Vol. 7, No.3, 2015
5.The principles of selecting and structuring the syllabus of foreign language teaching aimed at developing the students research competence//Review of European Studies; Vol. 11, No.1, 2015.
6.Peculiarities of pupils and vocational college students’ career guidance modeling in the integrated “School-College-Enterprise”//Review of European Studies; Vol. 11, No.1, 2015.
7.The Technology Of Forming the Students’ Research Competence In the Process Of Learning a Foreign Language//Asian Social Science, Vol. 11, № 3
8.A Comparative Research on Levels of Students’ Formation Skills of Their Career Advancement Portfolio In Secondary And Higher Education Systems//Asian Social Science, Vol. 11, № 1, 2015.
9.Тhe Model of Formation of Foreign-Language Skills of the Students In Self- Learning Activities/ / Asian Social Science, Vol. 11, № 1, 2015
10. Problems of training qualified personnel for agriculture // International Conference on Food Industry, Economy and Security 01.2020 BIO Web of Conferences 2020. С. 00091. (Fassahova G.R., Gataullina R.V., Islamova L.R., Chumarova L.G., Muhametzyanova R.I.)
11. Digital economy and transformation of personnel training for AIC // International Conference on Food Industry, Economy and Security 01.2020 С. 00228 (Nezhmetdinova F.T., Fassakhova G.R., Shagivaliev L.R., Sharypova N.Kh., Zinurova R.I.)
12. L. Islamova ,Fassakhova, L. Chumarova, R. Gataullina, A. Yarkhamova, R. Mukhametzyanova, S. Shvetsova. USAGE OF FOLKLORE (MYTHS) IN FOREIGN LANGUAGE TEACHING//EDULEARN20 Proceedings (browse) Pages: 7499-7503 Publication year: 2020 ISBN: 978-84-09-17979-4 ISSN: 2340-1117 doi: 10.21125/edulearn.2020.1903 Conference name: 12th International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies Dates: 6-7 July, 2020 Location: Online Conference, WoS
13. WoS Interactive method «Everyone teaches everyone« in developing listening skills at Russian language lessons for foreigners /Ilvira R. Galiulina, Lyubov G. Chumarova // The 9th International Conference of Education and Learning Technologies (EDULEARN17)/ -2017.F_I.R.Galiulina_Edulearn_2017.pdf
14. R. Gataullina, G. Fassakhova, L. Islamova, A. YarkhamovaTEACHING POSTGRADUATE TO OVERCOME DIFFICULTIES IN TRANSLATION SCIENTIFIC ARTICLESEDULEARN20 12th annual International Conference on Education and New Learning Technologies, Spain, 6th - 7th of July, 2020.
15. D. Giniyatullina. G. Chumarina, I. Tukhvatullina,R. Gataullina L. Islamova L. Zinnatullina Dialogue and feedback between the Teacher and Student at English Classes (WITH EXAMPLES OF THE QUESTIONNAIRE).
16. G. Chumarina, R. Gataullina,D. Giniyatullina. I.Tukhvatullina,L. Islamova L. Zinnatullina Developing creative student’s autonomy at the foreign language classes in the context of LEARNING DIGITALIZATION
17. G. Nurtdinova, M. Vinnikova, G. Fassahova, L. Islamova. THE ANALYSIS OF STUDENTS' ERRORS IN TRANSLATION/G. Nurtdinova, M. Vinnikova, G. Fassahova, L. Islamova//INTED 22.
19. G. Nurtdinova, M. Vinnikova, G.Fassahova, A. Yarhamova/Tatar culture-specific concepts as a source of Global English vocabulary enrichment/G.M. Nurtdinova, M.N. Vinnikova, G. R/ Fassahova, A.A. Yarhamova//INTED 2021 .
20. G.Nurtdinova, M. Vinnikova, G. Fassahova, A. Yarhamova TEACHING TRANSLATION TECHNIQUES UNDER LOCKDOWN/ G.Nurtdinova, M. Vinnikova, G. Fassahova, A. Yarhamova// INTED2021 Proceedings, 15th International Technology, Education and Development Conference. pp.3950-3953.
21. COMMUNICATIVE SITUATIONS OF TYPIFIED BEHAVIOR // Revista Entrelinguas v. 7 n. esp.4 (2021) WoS// v. 7 n. esp.4 (2021): (2021) v. 7, n. esp. 4, 2021 - a pesquisa em letras e linguística russa
22. Intensifying the Second Language Teaching Process by Means of Idioms / L. Chumarova , G. Fassakhova, L. Islamova, S. Zakharova 4DOI: https://doi.org/10.46529/socioint.202228 CITATION:Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2022- 9th International Conference on Education and Education of Social Sciences, 13-14 June 2022, ISBN: 978-605-06286-6-1, pages 210-2014
23. G. Nurtdinova, M. Vinnikova, G. Fassahova, L. Islamova. The analysis of students' errors in translation/g. Nurtdinova, M. Vinnikova, G. Fassahova, L.Islamova//INTED22Pages:10410-10413,ISBN:978-84-09-37758-9,ISSN:2340-1079doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.2747Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development ConferenceDates:7-8March,2022Location: Online Conference
24.G. Nurtdinova, V. Vinnikova, G. Fassahova, L. Islamova. Interaction of universities is one of the ways to improve teaching methods// INTED 22 Pages: 10414-10417ISBN:978-84-09-37758-9,ISSN:2340-1079doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.2748Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development ConferenceDates:7-8March,2022
Гатауллина Роза Вилюровна
1. The Development of Students Key Professional Competencies In the Process of Didactic Tasks Realization / Journal of Sustainable Development; Vol. 8, No. 3; 2015
2. Interactive method «Everyone teaches everyone» in developing listening skills at russian language lessons for foreigners//Web of Science, EDULEARN17, Barcelona (Spain) on the 3rd-5th of July, 2017.
3. Folklore In Teaching Languages // Web of Science, ICERI 2016, Seville (Spain) on the 14th- 16th of November, 2016.
4. Problems of training qualified personnel for agriculture // International Conference on Food Industry, Economy and Security 01.2020 BIO Web of Conferences 2020. С. 00091. (Fassahova G.R., Gataullina R.V., Islamova L.R., Chumarova L.G., Muhametzyanova R.I.)
5. Pedagogical Value Of Folklore // The European Proceedings of Social & Behavioural Sciences EpSBS, Volume LXXVIII - IFTE 2019 Pages 805-811, 2020 (Lyubov Chumarova, Rosa Gataullina, Ramilya Kasimova)
6. International Conference on Food Industry, Economy and Security 01.2020 BIO Web of Conferences 2020. С. 00091.
7. Developing creative students' autonomy at the foreign language classes in the context of learning digitalization / 13th international conference of education, research and innovation. iceri 2020 proceedings.2020, т.1, с.7593-7600 (Chumarina G., Gataullina R., Tukhvatullina I., Giniyatullina D., Islamova L., Zinnatullina L.).
8. Dialogue and feedback between the teacher and students at English classes (with examples of the questionnaire) / 13th international conference of education, research and innovation. iceri 2020 proceedings.2020, т.1, с.7616-7620 (Giniyatullina D., Chumarina G., Gataullina R., Tukhvatullina I., Zinnatullina L.,).
9. Giniyatullina D.R., Ryabkova G.V., Gataullina R.V., Zatsarinnaya Y.N., Volkova M.M. (2022) The Peculiarities of Teaching English as a Foreign Language Course. Challenges for Higher Education. ICL 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 390. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-030-93907-6_16
10. Diana, G., Alena, E., Ryabkova, G., Rosa, G., Marya, O. (2023). Teaching English in Universities for IT Students. In: Auer, M.E., Pachatz, W., Rüütmann, T. (eds) Learning in the Age of Digital and Green Transition. ICL 2022. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 634. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-26190-9_12
11. «Training approach in teaching foreign languages» (appears in INTED 2022 PROCEEDINGS) Pages 8230-8238 (D. Giniatullina, A. Ermolenko, G. Ryabkova, R Gataullina, G. Chumarina)
12. The Peculiarities of Teaching English as a Foreign Language Course. Challenges for Higher Education. В сборнике: Mobility for Smart Cities and Regional Development - Challenges for Higher Education. Сер. "Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. V. 390" 2022. С. 146-153. (Giniyatullina D.R., Ryabkova G.V., Gataullina R.V., Zatsarinnaya Y.N., Volkova M.M.)
Исламова Лилия Рустамовна
1. L.Islamova , G.Fassakhova, R.Gataullina,/ Folklore In Teaching Languages/Web of Science, ICERI2016, Seville (Spain) on the 14th- 16th of November, 2016.
2. L.Islamova, G.Fassakhova, R.Gataullina,.,/ Interactive method «Everyone teaches everyone» in developing listening skills at russian language lessons for foreigners/ Web of Science, EDULEARN17, Barcelona (Spain) on the 3rd-5th of July, 2017.
3. Liliya R. Islamova, The Development of Students Key Professional Competencies In the Process of Didactic Tasks Realization / Journal of Sustainable Development; Vol. 8, No. 3; 2015
4. Liliya R. Islamova, Corporativity as a Condition for Developing Teaching Staff / Review of European Studies; Vol. 7,No.4;2015
5. Islamova L.R. The Management of Independent Educational-Cognitive Activities of Future Specialists in the Process of Vocational Training Liliya R. Islamova , Guzel R. Fassakhova, International Review of Management and Marketing Vol 6 - 2016. – р.397-402.
6. Problems of training qualified personnel for agriculture // International Conference on Food Industry, Economy and Security 01.2020 BIO Web of Conferences 2020. С. 00091. (Fassahova G.R., Gataullina R.V., Islamova L.R., Chumarova L.G., Muhametzyanova R.I.)
7. International Conference on Food Industry, Economy and Security 01.2020 BIO Web of Conferences 2020. С. 00091.
8. COMMUNICATIVE SITUATIONS OF TYPIFIED BEHAVIOR // Revista Entrelinguas v. 7 n. esp.4 (2021) WoS// v. 7 n. esp.4 (2021): (2021) v. 7, n. esp. 4, 2021 - a pesquisa em letras e linguística russa
9. Intensifying the Second Language Teaching Process by Means of Idioms / L. Chumarova , G. Fassakhova, L. Islamova, S. Zakharova 4DOI: https://doi.org/10.46529/socioint.202228 CITATION:Abstracts & Proceedings of SOCIOINT 2022- 9th International Conference on Education and Education of Social Sciences, 13-14 June 2022, ISBN: 978-605-06286-6-1, pages 210-2014
10. G. Nurtdinova, M. Vinnikova, G. Fassahova, L. Islamova. The analysis of students' errors in translation/g. Nurtdinova, M. Vinnikova, G. Fassahova, L.Islamova//INTED22Pages:10410-10413,ISBN:978-84-09-37758-9,ISSN:2340-1079doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.2747Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development ConferenceDates:7-8March,2022Location: Online Conference
11. G. Nurtdinova, V. Vinnikova, G. Fassahova, L. Islamova. Interaction of universities is one of the ways to improve teaching methods// INTED 22 Pages: 10414-10417ISBN:978-84-09-37758-9,ISSN:2340-1079doi: 10.21125/inted.2022.2748Conference name: 16th International Technology, Education and Development ConferenceDates:7-8March,2022